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Our Science

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Fusion Fitness

Our advanced expertise in physical fitness training, raises the bar on the concept of performing aerobic and resistance interval training.   Our exercise interval-approach performed at DangerousFit is called “Fusion Training.”  For over 20 years our clients rate these exercise sessions as still being their very most favorite and fun way to train! Why? The cardio benefits from each “Fusion” session boosts your metabolism for 48 hours and the efficient strength training segment of “Fusion” quickly creates a fit body in just two to three sessions a week. Come give it a go for 20 - 30 minutes on us!



Dangerous Fit's Philosophy

Fit, Done Right!  Fusion Training is the use of appropriate aerobic and resistance exercises and exercise intensities in one exercise session. In 2018, the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee (PAGAC), concludes that short periods of high intensity exercise alternating with usually longer but still brief periods of lower intensity exercise (HIIT) improves insulin sensitivity, blood pressure and body composition. Therefore, with our Fusion session, high intensity interval training, you are achieving health benefits in addition to gaining body strength and heart strength! (July 2019 issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise ~ MSSE)

Fusion allows for the selection of specific primary energy systems during training which results in a more efficient and productive exercise session. In this type of training, the required exercise intensity (power output) that is attained during each exercise session is much greater than the maximal power output that can be sustained in using the same energy source alone. 


Personal Wellness Assessment

Prior to training, each individual receives a maximum oxygen uptake assessment, a body structure analysis, a heart-rate monitor with their specific training target heart rate zone and a individualized, training program.

The Maximum Oxygen Uptake Assessment is an excellent analysis of cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiac function. It is a laboratory technique involving both the collection of heart rate and blood pressure during a working mode performed on a treadmill. For individuals in their first year of training it is desirable to repeat this assessment after about 10 - 12 weeks and then again at the end of 6 to 12 months. Participants will see their personal successful response to training and thus creates motivation for continued training participation.

The heart rate zone system at DangerousFit is based on each participant’s specific needs and takes into consideration participant’s Maximum Oxygen Uptake assessment, athletic ability, fitness level and body fat percentage.   Each participant trains at their appropriate pace according to exercise science evaluation and protocol.  Few physical activities require maximal sustained effort to exhaustion or near exhaustion; therefore, exhaustion is not required to attain fitness. 

It is very important to train for “your body” to experience new energy, training confidence and amazing results without feeling you cannot go on.

running on a treadmill

Our Science Produces Rapid Fitness Results

In two weeks, improvement in your body’s oxygen potential, energy intake and aerobic endurance capacity.  In four weeks, increase your muscle activation and total energy output achieving even higher elevation of your metabolism and more calorie burn – 600 to 1000 a session. Miraculous advancements inside the body in just four weeks!Maximize your calorie burn and raise your metabolism for 24 hours! Amazingly quick improvements in just two to four weeks of three sessions a week.


Therefore, properly spaced, specific exercise allows more to be accomplished at higher intensities with the same or less fatigue than during continuous training in the same activity. Your time is valuable; let’s train wisely. 



Cold-Pressed Juice

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Motivating | Energizing | Uplifting


DangerousFit’s training environments are designed to empower and have fun.  Highly qualified professionals coach, encourage and ‘look out”  for participants.  Group training is the most favorite training session; although, one on one is popular for sport-specific athlete training. Group training attracts individuals to the positive energy, accountability, support and friendships it creates.  DangerousFit produces a great workout experience by utilizing various music and visual stimulation along with state-of- the-art equipment, lighting, and motivational art.